Saturday, December 29, 2012

Here I Am

We had a wonderful Christmas with the kids and our families. I had been in quite a bit of discomfort before Christmas, but on Christmas I felt great and was able to really enjoy the morning with the kids. We then had our parents, Kelly's grandfather 'Pa,' and his Uncle Bob and Aunt Brigid over for supper. It was a joyful, fun, simple Christmas.

And, I must confess...I was completely against having Play Doh in our house, but the boys love it. So I will live with little dried up bits of Play Doh as long as it comes with happy children!

As some of you know, I am currently admitted to the hospital. I went Friday to see Dr. S. due to some severe abdominal pain and a stomach bug and he felt the best option was to admit me for IV meds and fluids. I am feeling better as long as I stick to clear liquids. I am hopeful to be released tomorrow because I am supposed to go see Dr. Chan at Dana Farber (in Boston) on Monday for the 'big plan.' I'll see what the on-call docs say tomorrow. They all know I want to go, but they also want to be sure I am well enough to make the trip (about 8 hours round trip, plus the visit).

I had several visitors today, which was wonderful and helped to pass the time, but my little boys stayed home due to infection risk. We tried to FaceTime, but I really miss my boys. It is one thing hearing about their days, it is another to be part of their days.


Beth said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Suzanne, hope you are home from hospital already and have managed to get to New York. Wanted to thank you for the lovely time we spent with you and your family at Christmas. You are a true inspiration to us and your grace and patience overwhelm those who are lucky to know you. You exude such strength and goodness and this will help as you go into this New Year and know that we will continue to travel with you in prayers and hope.
Brigid and Bob

jennhas3boys said...

can I "like" Bob's comment? or "love" it?