Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nap vs. Blog

The wedge biopsy procedure went smoothly last Tuesday. I had to stay over, as expected, due to a chest tube (um, gross). Everyone on "Tower 2" (cancer floor) was excellent. They let me move to a private room when I had a rowdy roommate. True story: Her phone would ring every 10-15 minutes. If she wasn't there to answer they would call my line to see if I could go find her. Really. The staff was also great helping me get comfortable with the um, gross tube.

Unfortunately, the first part of the testing from the biopsies has come through indicating the cancer in my lungs is not the nice, grow slowly neuroendocrine cancer, but cervical cancer. If you go to my post Reality (iPad is acting up, so no hyperlink for you), you will realize why this sucks.

My dad is also not doing well. I ask for your continued prayers for his healing.

But most of all right now, I ask you to think of my mom. She is a wonderful woman who does not deserve to see her husband and daughter go through these things. I have no idea where she gets the strength to get up each morning, but I am thankful she does and so fortunate that I get to spend time with her almost every day.

No kiddo story today...they are sweet and bright and I couldn't do justice to one of their wonderful little tales.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Unknown said...

We share the occasional insomnia so I get to see your facebook posts before everyone else...Suzanne-no words of 'wisdom' to share just from my heart to yours sending love...always...

Unknown said...

You and your family are never far from my thoughts. Wishing you all better times...

KelliGirl said...

I repeat my initial reply to these test results: *^%$!!

Papa Bear is in my prayers, and he joins Marm in my heart. XOXO

Love you.

Di said...

Hope the nap came after the blog .you are my ninja warrior!

Jeanne said...

... always in my prayers ♡

Mariam said...

Has anything ever bothered you in life? Do you
have any problem you need to solve? A pending
court case you want to resolve in your favor?
Health, relationship and finance. Welcome to
the world of miracles and wonders, there are
supernatural treasure and power to liberate
mankind from all afflictions. Why cant you live a
life of your dream? Why must you work so hard
and yet earn so little? Why cant you be happy
with the one you love and desire or why cant the
one you love reciprocate and appreciate that
love? Why would the doctor tell you there is no
solution or cure to your problems? Why would
your lawyer say you stand no chance, that your
case is hopeless? Have you been cheated by
anyone or those owing you money refuse to pay
back? Do you need a rapid job promotion in
your place of work? You want to venture into
politics? Now I understand certain things are
hard to believe and comprehend, but all I ask
from you is only 3 days and if you will follow my
instructions and use the items you will receive, I
promise your life will never be the same
again.If you find no relevance in the help I offer
I solemnly appeals do not be vindictive and go
in peace. And if your intentions are to take
advantage of the powerful nature of our items
for the purpose of evil, I will not have any
business with you please be advised. May
angels guide you. All inquiries should be
directed to the Priest Abija email below Email: or
you can sent a text message to this number:(518) 303-6207!