Friday, August 3, 2012

One Decade

Ten years ago today Kelly and I were married. Kelly wanted a church wedding. In the summer, so we could have outdoor pictures. I wanted Vegas. With Elvis. Kelly won.

Kelly and I have known each other for a long time...since I was in third grade and he was in fifth. We went to different schools, but attended the same church youth group. When we were in high school and college we ended up working at the same restaurant together (where he swears he was always honest about the tips and any discrepancies should be taken up with Peter Mead...). We became friends over movie nights, youth group events, work, the Wing Street gyroscope, trips back and forth to each other's colleges, and dozens of other events.

And then we weren't friends. We call it the hiatus. Then one Christmas Eve a small group of former youth group members were talking after church - all greeting each other with hugs and smiles. But when I saw Kelly, I held out my hand for a handshake and that was it. It was nice and awkward.

So awkward that a few days after Christmas I called his number and left a message on his machine to apologize. He called back, and ten months later we were engaged to be married.

I loved our church wedding. I was worried I was going to cry, but I took my dad's arm and looked at Kelly and all of our family and friends in the church and felt an overwhelming sense of calm and joy. I knew, without a doubt, I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

I am extraordinarily blessed with my marriage and however long I have left, I am thankful I get to spend that time with Kelly.


SMcFortier said...

This post brought tears to my eyes!!! You guys are a great couple:-)

jennhas3boys said...

I love this story!

angela said...


angela said...


KelliGirl said...

Your wedding was a great time, Vegas or not! :)

What's meant to be will always find a two are living proof.