Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Her Name

In the pasta aisle at Hannaford there is a whole section of foods that are the Cora Brand. The label coloring is loud and has a picture of a young girl on the label.

I watch Downton Abbey and Once Upon a Time, two shows which have characters named Cora in them.

Kelly and I went to see the movie Argo tonight at the local dinner and a movie place. We were settled in, eating our dinner, and then it happened. One of the hostages was named Cora. Her name was said several times in the movie and also had a scene where her name was in writing.

I try to think of her name in these places as a reminder, a sign, a butterfly, but it guts me, hearing and seeing her name.


Jeanne said...

(((Hugs))) and prayers to you.
I have no words, I cannot imagine...
Peace to you and your family.

Beth said...

Keep trying my friend, keep trying.

Unknown said...

I also have a Cora. She died at five days old, and it seems I'm noticing her name over and over. I also watch those shows. It seems so unfitting that Cora is a villain in Once Upon a Time.