Monday, November 12, 2012

This and That

Several people emailed praising the service for Cora and the comfort it brought to them. It brought the same to us, which is why I wanted to share it. In my post, I did not give any credit to our minister, John Barclay, who put the service together for us based on our nods and murmurs to his suggestions.

Also, someone commented on the post about Cora's service. I know it was a woman who is a pastor, but then as I was reading the comment on my phone, I hit delete with my thumb. I just wanted to let her know I didn't delete the comment intentionally and also to let her know if she wants she can email me at

Thank you to everyone who has sent messages or seen me in person since I received the biopsy results. I keep saying that your positive energy and prayers helped get me to this point!
I have noticed a little confusion about my status, so hopefully this will clear it up:
The biopsies showed no sign of the cervical cancer. I will now be followed about every 3 months by the radiation oncologists at Glens Falls Hospital.
The tumors in my liver are still there, and most likely will be there for the rest of my life. In December, I will get a PET scan to determine if they are staying stable. If they are, then I will carry on with my monthly shot. If they are not, well...they are going to be stable so we aren't even going to go there.

Finally, a favor.
I have a wonderful neighbor named Lisa, aka "State Farm." She has been a great friend, neighbor (like a good neighbor, State Farm is there), and Bunco girl. Last week, her dear sister Patricia lost her battle with ovarian cancer. I would ask that all that positive energy you have given to me, you share with Lisa and her family, as they say goodbye to Patricia. 


Judith said...

Sending love and sympathies.

state farm said...

Thank you.... You are AWESOME!!!!!