Monday, July 2, 2012


Kyan and I returned home from our trip to Boston earlier this evening. The fact we returned home is very important because in the 31 hours we were gone, my sweet 3 year old asked me 12,403 times when we were going home.

But, let me start at the beginning.

Kyan and I set out yesterday for Boston with three goals: Touch tank at the aquarium, Duck tour, and quality one-on-one time (the last one was really my goal...). As we turned onto the Thruway, Ky realized Boston was not close, and made his first request to go home.

I should note, a few weeks back he tried a sleepover with his grandma and pop-pop and ended up back home at bedtime. That should have been my first clue to his homebody nature.

Anyhow, last night we arrived and walked to Boston Common to run and play on the playground, but the whole time Ky was very quiet. After dinner we called Kelly and Rory using FaceTime, which did not help at all. What did help? Jumping on the bed! Because you can, and should, do that when not at home.

Today we went to the Aquarium and had a great time. Touching skates and sharks, seeing penguins be fed, watching the scuba guy in the giant tank, touching sea stars and was all very cool. Then we went on the Duck tour which I thought Ky would love because of his love for cars. He loved it-his look of wonder as the truck drove into the river was awesome, and then when he got to go 'drive' the boat, he was thrilled.

But, when it ended he asked shortly after about home, so we came home. He greeted Kelly with a huge hug, wrestled with Rory, asked for Crosby, and then settled in with his favorite toy (a motorcycle). Very content to be home with his brothers and both parents.

I shouldn't be surprised he is a homebody. Kelly and I both have homebody tendencies as well. Now we know: when traveling with Kyan, it should be a whole family trip.


Judith said...

The aquarium and duck tours in Boston are a lot of fun. But it is so sweet how your son wanted to be home with everyone he loves.

frieda said...

Rose is 7 and I still get flummoxed: She's supposed to like XYZ. How come she prefers a small helping of shabby little G?

Good for you for recognizing that what Ky wants is important and adapting to it.

Beth said...

Give that sweet little guy a hug from Jeff :)

angela said...

Home is somtimes one of the best places to be <3

Jennifer said...

This post was so beautiful and I've been thinking about it since i read it a few days ago. Getting to know my own kid has been an awesome experience - E cannot hear music of any kind without stopping to do a quick jive. I look forward to her next dance!

KelliGirl said...

Home truly is where the heart is. :)