Friday, September 14, 2012


I think the powers that be really wanted me to find out today that the tumors in my liver are stable since I was told via email, in person, and in a letter.

Stable! Yippee!

What does that mean?
It means it is very likely that the tumors in my liver are low-grade tumors called carcinoid tumors. In terms of treatment, I will receive a shot once a month to control the side effects (which are mild) and about every 3 months I will get a scan of some sort (MRI or PET) to see if the tumors are continuing to stay stable.

My first question was: Isn't there something more aggressive we can do now while the tumors are behaving to keep them from misbehaving later? Dr. S had a highly persuasive argument against aggressive action, and honestly, after the summer of radiation I am more than willing to enjoy a little break, let my body recover, and then go from there.

I also saw one of my surgeons today, Dr. McElrath. He removed my stitches from the internal radiation "incident." It is nice to have the discomfort from the stitches gone. I will go back and see both him and Duncan in a few weeks and at that point we'll see how things stand with the cervical cancer side of things.

Dr. McElrath also cleared me to run and swim again. The half marathon is in 9 days...this could be ugly. Do you think anyone will notice if I use those "Wheelie" shoes that were so popular a few years back?


DebG said...

I would think that they would lace those babies up and give you a push after the summer that you've had! Take some deep breaths, laugh, smile, hope, and hug those beautiful boys:)

liz austin said...

The wheelie shoes sound like a great idea!

JenniferW said...

Jeff Galloway's run-walk-run should get you through it! Just run a minute, walk for two. Heck, walk it. One foot in front of the other, friend - you will rock it.

Beth said...

Maybe a recumbent bike with a cocktail in your hand. Come on, you deserve it!

Judith said...

Good grief! I just decided to start training for a half marathon for next year -- I ain't nowhere near ready to take it on and you're going to do one after all you've been through?

Darn it, I feel like a lazy slug now. But inspired!

angela said...

Such great news! I know your sweet little angel is watching over you. <3

Janine said...

Girl, you put me to shame! You are running and I am hiding in the closet eating a Snickers ice cream bar! You ROCK (7and I'm rolling ha ha)!

KelliGirl said...

So. Damn. Happy. Buncha Crunch!! :)