Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mark 9:24

It was four months ago today that Cora died. When we were holding her, after she was taken off life support, was the moment of my strongest faith. I knew at that moment that Cora was in heaven. That there was a God. There was not an ounce of doubt. Since that night, that confidence has wavered.  I often think of the end of Mark 9:24 "I do believe; help my unbelief."

Now, as I face my own death, I do wonder: What if I am wrong? What if I die, and that is the end? It seems so pointless. But then I think about the soul ~ and I think the soul is the best parts of a person. And those parts, those parts will live on. They will live on in my children, they will live on in stories people tell to remember me, they will live on in the memories of those who love me.

I do believe, but thinking of this helps me during my moments of unbelief.


KelliGirl said...

She lives on in so many you will, should your time come (sorry, Pook, I am not ready to say it). I love your faith, and am happy to share it with you....and help shore it up when needed.

(and hey - over 2K now! way to go!)

Jennifer said...

My parents are here this week and we were talking about this very point - Cora is not rushing you but what a joy to see that baby girl. We do believe! I was also telling them some funny memories from those church work trips - I will find pics!

Di said...

I think we cannot be human and not wonder the unknown. In our heart and mind, way down deep we know and therefore believe in some way. I felt al's presence atop whiteface. He was there. My granddaughter tells her mom that papa comes at night to talk to her. He is there. I thought to call a friend soon a couple of days ago. She just entered my mind.She passed away that day. I smiled not because of death but because I know she was thinking of me. How wonderful is that. So many signs to let us humans know there is another time when we will all be together.