Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mommy! Poop! Tub!

Parenting can be a challenging job. It becomes about a million times harder when you desperately want to fill your children's minds with as many happy moments as possible.Turns out that parenting, the nitty, gritty, daily parts of parenting don't get put on hold at times like these. Tantrums are still thrown, defiant NOs are still proclaimed, and calling out in the middle of the night still happens. Who knew than an infant and two little boys wouldn't suddenly realize their mommy wants every moment to be perfect, so she knows the few memories they have will be glowing ~ all toy cars, pacis, and zoo animals?

Tonight I was home with Kyan and Crosby while Kelly brought Rory to hockey. Kyan was playing in the tub while I was walking around with Crosby when suddenly I heard him scream: Mommy! Poop! Tub! I ran in to find that he had pooped in the tub and was holding some of it in his hand while screaming. So, I popped Crosby into his crib, talked Ky into putting down the poop, scurried him over to the shower, scoured the tub and toys, calmed down Crosby as he fussed in his crib, extracted Ky from the shower (after several requests for 1 more minute!), got him dressed, picked up Crosby, and then hung out investigating the backpack of "treasures" Ky got from the hotel (for the curious, a map, crayons, a hacky sack, a Twizzler, and a small magnifier ~ a little child's dream backpack).

A far cry from an ideal evening, but a typical one. And one that is in the spirit of what I hope will be remembered. Not perfect, but we yelped, laughed, and explored ~ which seems to sum up a lot of our times together.

Oh, and please share this tub story with Ky when he is old enough to laugh, but not so young he is mortified.


KelliGirl said...

Those are great memories to have, too....that in a (toddler) crisis, Mommy knew just what to do, took care of everything, and still had the patience and time to spend exploring with him.

Besides, every kid needs a poop story to be mortified over...Ky was due. :)

Beth said...

Sounds like a typical and wonderful day in the life of a mom!

Deb Roberts said...

Also a good story about birth order. Number one off with dad, number two with number two in tub, and number three thrown in crib and left alone to learn to be self sufficient.

angela said...

Super Mom!