Sunday, May 20, 2012


After my first round of chemo I didn't really understand why Dr. S said that after 6 cycles, patients are usually ready for a break. Now that I am through the roughest part of Cycle 3, I can see why that happens. The side effects are cumulative so each time they last a little longer and are a little bit more intense.

Which means that tonight, I am a boatload of tired. I was going most of the day, so it is not like it is interrupting my day too much, but I am not wild about this feeling. It makes it too real. I am also still a little queasy (it comes and goes), and I am not wild about the nausea meds because they make me drowsy. Instead, I am eating breath mints because for some reason they settle my stomach. This means that when you see me and think: Does she smell like Ben Gay or Wint-O-Green lifesavers? It is the latter.

Anyhow, a coherant blog entry is not on the agenda tonight. Instead, a sweet little story about Rory from our afternoon:

Rory wanted to go over to Crandall Pond to see "the animals." In particular, the coyotes. I really don't know where he gets these ideas. So we park, we get out and I suggest looking for frogs, turtles, or fish, but nope...he has plans to rid the pond of all coyotes. Here is how it is done: One takes several rocks and then tosses them into the water. If the water splashes the individual tossing the rock, then it is really fun. If the rock makes a big plunk sound, also good. If the rock sinks without much fanfare, then the frogs are scared. Note that none of the outcomes address the coyote issue. I think that is okay.


crichichi said...

I absolutely LOVE this post! I need to try this same trick for getting rid of the coyotes!!! Sorry about the nausea - ginger snaps or ginger tea often work! As for nausea meds, the best was the Sancuso patch. I wish you well and hope for good days ahead!!! Xoxo

Judith said...

I like peppermint or spearmint tea to help with nausea. Or the two mints combined.

KelliGirl said...

I love the way Rory's mind works. Glad you had his fun park time to distract you from the nasty side effects. Hope the nausea improves soon. Really soon.