Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Some things in life we get to choose: spouses, friends, insane Yorkies that yip at everything but seemed so darn cute when they were puppies we not only got one, but two (look at that, a tangent in the first sentence - that might be a record). Other things we have no control over. Like our mothers.

I am one of the lucky ones. I got a great mother. My 14-year old self would likely not concur, she would much rather slam a door and ask if I was crazy to say such a thing, but thankfully one is only 14 for a year. My mom was a natural parent ~ perhaps a side-effect of being the eldest of 4 siblings ~ but she also did what some mothers have a hard time doing ~ she transitioned from being the parent of a child to being the parent of an adult. Though, she does still tell me to go take naps. (I am much more agreeable to that now than when I was little.)  It is a wonderful thing to have a mom who is also your friend.

Given current circumstances, I worry about her. I know what it is like to know your daughter is going to die. I know how heartbreaking that is ~ to be willing to do anything, anything to change her fate and not having the power to do so. I know the agony that comes when you lose your daughter. I know how hard it can seem to even breathe after that.

But I also know that my strength was something I learned, and I learned it in large part from watching how strong my mother was as I grew up. She is surrounded by many great people: my dad, her friends, Kelly, my boys, my brother...but I know that her strength, her will, her heart will help her through whatever is to come.

I love you mom...always.


Cory said...

So beautifully said and so true. Much love to you and your mom on this day.

Jeanne said...

You are amazing and so eloquent <3 :)

Denise L. said...

WOW!! I'm a puddle! May you have MANY,Many other Mother Days to express to your mom how much she means to you!! Prayers continue!!

Beth said...

Now that was one of the tough ones... Love to you and your mom.

KelliGirl said...

The best part is that both of you know how lucky you are to have the other. Happy Mother's Day to you and Marm!


angela said...


Andrew said...

Suzanne, I just fell all to pieces when I read this. Mom was always there for us. She listens and loves unconditionally, and for those atributes among many others we are both lucky. :o)

Di said...

Hope the both moms had the best day ever. I am a mom and felt your words.This mom will be there for the both of you always.