Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Plan

I have never had "big plans" of things I wanted to do with my kids. I always thought we would come up with special things to do as the children found what they enjoyed.

The one exception was piercing Cora's ears. I know a lot of people who had their daughters' ears pierced as infants and I didn't want that. I thought one day we would go when she was older, she could pick out her own ear studs, and then we would go celebrate with lunch out. Just the girls.

We lost Cora seven months ago today. I went to the cemetery and her headstone was placed. We also planted a tree-a seven sons-that will bloom in the fall, close to her birthday. It is heartbreaking going there, but now with her grave properly marked and the tree, it doesn't feel so cold.


frieda said...

Oh, Suzanne. It is so hard. Thank you for letting us near you this way.

KelliGirl said...

I love you. I hate it so much that you don't get to make those special memories with your girl...unfair is the only word that comes to mind, but it's inadequate. Hugs, my friend.

Beth said...

Suzanne - you've been robbed of so many simple pleasures. There are not words for the level of unfairness you're facing and few people can truly understand, myself included. However, I hope you know the level of love that surrounds you.

angela said...

I agree with all of the above... my heart is with you and your family.