Thursday, May 10, 2012

Not Helpful

"When the unexpected and inconceivable intrudes on life, and it will, deal with life's actual events--don't obsess about perceived eventualities. Relax--enjoy the ride."  - Michael J. Fox

Oh, Michael. It is so easy to say that. The execution is another story.

Yesterday I was walking Rory and Ky to their preschool classes and Ky started to walk into the Pre-K room and I said, "Not for another couple of years." Then I almost lost it in the hallway because I realized I may not be the one who walks him to that classroom. I told myself "Not a helpful thought," and succeeded in walking the boys to their actual classes and not letting the negative thoughts stay.

Today I had my PET scan. Which meant from 8AM until about 4PM I had no routine, no kids to distract me. I said "Not helpful," over and over, but it didn't help. It was a hard day. A day where those thoughts that I don't want to have dominated by mind. A day where my smile did not come easily. A day where I held my boys as tight as possible when I was able to come back home and told them I loved them over and over, because if they remember nothing else, I pray they remember that.


Beth said...

Today, I hope the hugs are more plentiful, the smiles come easier, and all of the minutes are filled with happiness.

Di said...

thought of you all day yesterday. such a long much time to be by self and think. Saw mom. stay the course!

KelliGirl said...

Love is never forgotten, not for all of our lives. It leaves too big an impression on our hearts.

Hoping today is easier....loving you.


frieda said...

Dear Cancer-as-a-gift fans,

You [obscene verb] my [more obscene noun].


Jeanne said...

<3 <3 <3 you are amazing <3 <3 <3

angela said...

I cant agree more with KelliGirl. xo