Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Liver Embolization

Yeah, I Googled that one. Turns out surgery may be an option for my liver. In a fascinatingly Frankensteinian Monster sort of way.

But let's start at the beginning.

Dr. S came to see me during treatment today after hearing I had some questions. Once again, I am always surprised he comes in sober to see me. Anyhow...one of the options given to me yesterday was to add a med to the chemotherapy regime. The additional med is well-tolerated and if the first day's dose goes well, I can get a shot that lasts an entire month. Dr. S was wavering because it adds another variable to the mix. So in 6 weeks if we see tumor reduction, the question will be is it the chemotherapy I have been on or this new drug doing the trick? He discussed with Dr. Chan (Dana Farber) and it seems she felt the same way. It would be okay to add it, but it would not help with the murkiness issue (like anything would...). But I want to use this drug. It is a gut feeling. So, Dr. S's staff is working on it in the hopes of starting it tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Now, back to the surgery option. If the tumors in my liver continue to be unresponsive (or get worse) there is a surgical option at Dana Farber where they can perform a liver embolization. It is not a cure, but it has the potential to slow the progression of the disease. I must admit to being both completely grossed out and amazed by this type of procedure. If this is an option, it won't even be on the table for 6 weeks. I am committed to Cycles 3 and 4 of chemotherapy + my new shot, then another PET scan, and then we'll go...somewhere... from there.


angela said...

I feel very excited about both of these options! Team SMAC has been sending some pretty powerful prayers to the people "upstairs" my heart is so happy they are listening! xoxo

KelliGirl said...

I Googled it (well, Binged it), too. Fascinating stuff!! It seems fairly non-invasive, as well, which is a bonus.

I find the new drug option exciting, too...and I know they want to know what works, how, and why, but if it works, I won't care about any of that...just that it did work. :)

Strong body, weak cancer cells...second verse, same as the first!

Meg said...

Bigger picture: will this hinder your wine consumption?

Beth said...

Glad to hear that there are some new options on the table. Since these are your guts we're talking about, I think you should go with your "gut" feeling. Glad you're going to, and very glad you have doctors that lay the options out for you, then listen to what you have to say.

Cory said...

I know they want to know what works so that it may help the unfortunate ones who will inevitably follow in your footsteps BUT I agree who cares as long as it gives you the best possible chance!

Di said...

Mmm,Meg does have a point....wine consumption.Would be on my list of ?'s for Dr.S....so many paths to ponder and not easy ones my friend....