Monday, May 28, 2012


Today we were getting ready to go out to the pool and Rory asked me why I was so grumpy.

He had a good point, I was very grumpy. I have been very grumpy. I have a bunch of things I want to get done and since I haven't yet done them, they are chomping away at my mind and draining my creative, fun side. I think it has shown in my writing over the last week or so.

So I am going to take a few days and get those things done so they are off my plate. I am going to recharge my creative energies, and refocus on what is important. In other words, I am taking a few days off from my blog (and a few other endeavors) and plan to come back re-energized and with a clear(er) mind.

Try not to miss me too much!


state farm said...

I miss you already!

angela said...

We will miss the posts... but a much needed rest I'm sure. We will continue to think of you and look forward to you feeling rested. If you need ANYTHING to help get some stuff off of your plate... we are here. =)

Beth said...

I feel grumpy a lot and I'm not grieving nor do I have cancer. Glad you're taking the break you need.

Di said...

I think thats a great idea. You will come back better than that energizer rabbit...raring to go.

Di said...

Checked the blog just to see if you truly stayed did...o-k, just checking.