Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Twinkle Twinkle

Since Rory was born I have sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him each night before bed. Since he could talk I have asked him every night to join me. Every now and then he would say a word, but he would never really sing the song with me. Then about a week ago he asked if he could sing "the song" with me. And it was the best rendition ever and we have done it each night since then. It took us over 4 years to get to the point where we would sing that song together. Anything we start now that will take that long I won't likely see the outcome. And that is ridiculously unfair.

Not only will I miss all the big milestones in my little boys' lives, but I will also miss all of those little moments ~ those moments that I don't even know what they will be, I just know I won't be here to see them when I so desperately want to see each and every one.


Meg said...

Likely? *Likely*? Think of all of the things you've accomplished in your life that have been unlikely. It's not every day that someone meets their soulmate and floats around with hearts for eyes like a cartoon character after years together...yet, there you are, blushing when people tell you what a special guy Kelly is. Yesterday, you mentioned fertility. It was *unlikely* you'd have babies, yet here you are, hustling a brood into a minivan. Harvard educated, parents who still love each other, look at all of the odds you've beaten already. You've got this. My money is on a *sparkling* duet of Twinkle Twinkle at Rory's wedding.

Jeanne said...

Amen, Meg!!

liz austin said...

Beautifully said meg! Love that song by the way, there is nothing like a sweet young voice singing twinkle twinkle <3

sarah said...

I am rooting for the duet and a tap dance to go with it!

Beth said...

Meg- Best. Response. Ever.

Rory - Thank you for singing along with your Mommy. You have no idea how happy it makes her ;-)

Di said...

lost my comment..grr...rory will remember the song. I can remember sitting on my mom's lap..was three orfour...still there....nice memory...

KelliGirl said...

Unfair barely even touches it. My heart aches for you, my friend.

But, to paraphrase Meg, likely shmikely. Outlier, baby, outlier!

Di said...

So I go with afriend to GF Hosp.when the center was notthere yet..but the wigs were. She was apprehensive. I was me. The lady was so nice dealing with us. We pulled a few wigs out and I did my best Tina Turner rendition with the craziest wig I could find. We danced, we laughed, we found a normal wig. My friend still remembers that day and we still laugh. Now I want a wig to throw onand look cool and all put together. mmm....perhaps.