Saturday, May 19, 2012

Spa Day, Interrupted

After my last round of chemo, I anticipated today being a crappy day, so I prepared. I arranged a reiki appointment this morning (went in queasy, came out feeling well ~ I can't rave enough about it) and then I scheduled a spa treatment for this afternoon.

Those of you who know me well probably just reread the last few words of that last sentence because spa treatment + Suzanne is not a common occurrence. However, last summer my Masters swim group gave me a spa treatment when I was pregnant. I couldn't use it then, so decided I would use it now. It was called the Rejuvenator, it seemed perfect to energize me on my low chemo cycle day.

First up was the sauna ~ all good there. Then I went to the mineral bath. Mid-day. On a Saturday. I was in inside. In a tub. I know this train of thought should have hit me before I was actually lounging in a mineral bath, but it didn't. The mineral bath was quite relaxing once I got over myself.

Then, onto the massage. The massage therapist came in and told me she was trained to work with patients undergoing cancer treatment (I had no idea there was such training) and asked me what type of cancer I had. I told her, and was then informed I could not receive a massage because of the type of cancer I have.

Um, what?

So, no massage. Instead I went to join Kelly and the boys at the playground. Where Kyan pushed me on a swing and we laughed at how silly it was that Ky was pushing mommy on the swing.


liz austin said...

Sounds like a beautiful day, even without the massage. Yea for ky ...way to give momma a push!

amymc said...

While the abrupt end to your spa day was surely disappointing, your 'back up plan' ultimately sounds so much better than a massage!

KelliGirl said...

You voluntarily sat in a bath? ReallY??? On purpose?? ;)

Sounds like you were perfectly pampered...massage be damned, Ky's laughter is surely the massage your heart and soul needed.