Friday, May 18, 2012


Yesterday was Kelli-girl's 38th birthday. She thought she escaped a post, but in reality, I got home late and now I have the element of her thinking she got off scott free. Heee!

We met when we were in sixth grade. Kelli moved upstate from Long Island and on the first day of school she had green hair. We all thought she was a punk. In fact, pool chlorine turned her hair green because not only does she have really thick hair, but she also has really blond hair. In sixth grade, this did not matter. We thought she was a wild NYC rebel.

Flash forward to our senior year of high school. Because seating was often alphabetical, we often sat near or next to one another ~ in particular in our honors English class (Christie B., do you need an adjective of the day?) and then in our economics class (the year of Mr. Driscoll's retirement...). We ended up working at Spencer's (what were our parents thinking?!?!) and the Shoreline Restaurant together as well.

I could ramble on and on about our antics that cemented our friendship. Like the weekend I was in NYC for job interviews and somehow ended up inappropriately and unintentionally groping Kelli...twice. Or why we end up at Friendly's even without children in tow. Or how she broke my kitchen table (ahem...), but I think anyone who knows even a little bit about me knows that Kelli is my person. So much so that when I married Kelly she referred to him as "our first husband" during her toast. (Do not pity him, he knew exactly what he was in for!)

In two years we are planning to go to Dollywood to celebrate our 40th birthdays (please note, she is older and wiser...I am just the tag-along young 'un). We have had this plan since we were in our early 20s and to be honest, I have no idea why we thought Dollywood would be the place to ring in our 40th birthdays, but we have been talking about it for 15+ years, so I think we are committed. It is one of my little prayers to join her there.


state farm said...

Kelli Girl is a delightful person and you 2 are lucky to have each other! I cannot wait to hear about all the crazy stuff you do in Dollywood

angela said...

I'm so glad you have a friend like Kelli Girl in your life to join you, help you through your journey, and especially make WONDERFUL "girl plans" with! I can only imagine what Dollyworld will be like especially since you are with your rebellious, green hair friend who breaks tables! Look out Dollyworld!!!

KelliGirl said...

Aww, Pook. You're just the best. I get teary every time I read this. Thank you. I couldn't ask for a better person than you.

It is my most fervent prayer that we will be making some crazy memories in Dollywood! (Seriously, how on earth did we choose that?!?!????)

Di said...

O-k, Di knows Dollywood...getting so excited. Sooo...can I go? I even have relatives we can stay cost! I have always wanted to meet dolly parton. She does soooo much for the area. Gatlinburg is awesome. If memory serves me right not to far from one another.what?I am imposing?well,ok...just you two. I can give you info though! Isay go for it. Say hi to Dolly and get her autograph for me ok?