Saturday, May 12, 2012

PET scan results

Yesterday I met with Alex (radiation oncologist) to check the response of the cervical cancer to the chemo. It is responding enough that he thinks it is fine to continue with chemotherapy (which is a combination designed to treat the tumors in the liver moreso than what is happening in the cervix) and that we can hold off on radiation.

He also reviewed the PET scan results with me, which is used to monitor the tumors in the liver. Dr. S and Alex monitor the size of the two largest tumors. The largest appears to have, perhaps, become a little smaller. The second largest appears to have, perhaps, become a little larger. This means the chemotherapy seems to be controlling the growth of the tumors, which, given the circumstances, is an acceptable outcome.

On Monday I will go in to see Dr. S. I am scheduled to start round 3 of chemo, and I believe that will happen. In previous discussions with him he indicated that controlling growth would mean we most likely stay the course. But, that can always change once he sees the PET results himself, talks to Alex, and (maybe) talks to Dr. Chan at Dana Farber.

I read a quotation the other day that another Stage 4 cancer survivor had tattooed: "The will to live is stronger than the ability to die." It is a bit of an odd statement, but it struck a chord with me this week.


Beth said...

I believe that your will to live is MUCH stronger...

KelliGirl said...

Hmm, if 1 and 2 keep swapping back and forth like that in size, at least you're holding steady...little victories are still victories. :)

I don't know that there has ever been a stronger will to live.

angela said...

Strong Body, Strong Will, Strong Woman... weak, weak, weak cancer cells...

Di said...

I am sitting here wondering what I wanted to read and my mind is blank. O=k, now stop saying so what else is new....I guess in all honesty I wanted the tumors to disappear. Smaller is better so on with the progress my friend. I love the quote.