Monday, May 7, 2012


I get two main questions on writing this blog:
(1) How do you decide what to write about?
(2) Do you proofread what you write?

Sometimes I get ideas about topics and will jot those down as one or two word "themes" during the day and then expand on them when I sit down at night to write. Other times something is really on my mind and I have been turning over ideas in my head all day about it, and so that is the topic. But, most times, I decide what to write about when I sit down to write the entry. I think about the day, and what is ahead, and usually that gives me an idea if I don't already have one. My goal is to only take 20 minutes each day to write a blog post, which means sometimes I could go on and on, but I choose to edit to a concise point (for instance, Little Prayers, I could still be working on that one.).

I do a quick reread of each entry before I post it (and a spell check), but I often edit as I go which is why you often get to enjoy missing words and a wide variety of verb tenses. I consider it part of my charm. In reality, it is part of my 20 minute plan. I want to work on the blog, but if I properly read and edit each entry (the way I do for my "work" writing), there would never be an entry.

“You are lucky to be one of those people who wishes to build sand castles with words, who is willing to create a place where your imagination can wander....the belief, deep in our hearts, that if we build our castles well enough, somehow the ocean won't wash them away. I think this is a wonderful kind of person to be.” — Anne Lamott


KelliGirl said...

It's a good plan, the 20 minute one. It frees you from obsessing and over-thinking.....and it appears to work brilliantly, as your blog is a huge hit!
Charm is certainly a part of it - you really shine through in each post. I love reading it, as I know so many others do, too.

Keep up the good work, castle-builder!
(Is that from "Bird by Bird"? I love Anne Lamott...I need to get her latest!)

Andrew said...

Your brother thanks you for not editing it too much so it actually gets out there. I love reading your posts, whatever your method to get them out there (I agree with KelliGirl), it works!