Monday, May 14, 2012


I know something along this cancer journey will be clear cut, but it will not be the results of my PET scan. The PET results, taken with my other test results, are not 100% clear. Things seem stable, but interpreting this as a stable disease means that there are forks in the road. There are alternative treatment options, but will they be effective? Should we touch base with Dana Farber? Should we proceed as is for now?

I opted to proceed as is for now, and in the meantime Dr. S is contacting Dana Farber for Dr. Chan's thoughts. Of course, right after this conversation I went to sit in a room for 2.5 hours getting chemo and generated a list of several questions and put in a call to Dr. S to discuss.

In one "funny" aside, which I think those of you who have followed my diagnosis journey will appreciate... A pathologist at Dana Farber was trying to run a test on my liver tissue to confirm that the liver cancer and the cervical cancer are not related. He ran the test twice and both times the test failed. As in didn't work.
You just have to laugh at this point, because really, what are the chances?


KelliGirl said...

What are the chances indeed? Outlier! Only your liver...

White it is frustrating not to have clear answers, I am glad you are staying the course. I bet it feels great to be doing something proactive while you wait for the white coats to sort it all out.

Hugs and love, my friend, hugs and love.

angela said...

Outlier all the way...

Di said...

I love the involvement ....never enough questions...never ever. Keep it going. Sure Dr. S is very respectful of you wanting to know . Attagirl! As for Dana Farber...notsure you want to hear that....