Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And So It Goes...

My hair started to fall out today.

I discovered this at the Y. Post-swim class with Kyan. All of this chatter and little ones running around the locker room and I end up with a clump of hair. Okay, I am exaggerating...it was not really a clump. More like a whole bunch of strands. And then another bunch. And another. And then it stopped. I thought I got 'em all. But then later in the afternoon there were more, and more. Then it stopped again. And I stopped running my fingers through my hair.

I was expecting this to be traumatic, but it isn't so bad. What is traumatic is that those bunches of hair had a lot (A LOT!) of gray in them. Gray hairs. I get that I may not be the youngest mom around, but if you were to see these bunches of hair you would likely think: "What older lady left a bunch of her hair here?" And then you should also think "That's gross." Because bunches of hair should not be left anywhere.

I am now debating whether I should shave my head or not. Right now I am thinking I will hold off until it gets noticeable ~ rumor (aka Kelly's cousin who has been down this road and is filled with trusty information) has it that it takes about a week, so I could have a few days before it gets odd looking. We'll see.


angela said...

If you need help with your new do I am here for you if you need me. Every client that I have ever had who has gone through treatment, when it came back it was curly for a while! Might be something to look foward to. =0)

KelliGirl said...

I vote don't shave until you have to...maybe go shorter first? And nice of the gray ones to fall out first! A treat before the rest join them, right? :)

Beth said...

I've heard that gray hair is also a side effect of chemotherapy... I'm sure they only just recently popped up :-)

jennhas3boys said...

I vote go for big 80's hair wigs! Different colors, to match your fun socks!

angela said...

I second Jenn... it's about everthing 80's right now!