Saturday, April 14, 2012


What a great Saturday...perfect weather to spend the vast majority of the day outside.

Some highlights:

Kelly's French Toast for breakfast. My mom and dad used to laugh when I told them I was going to marry someone who would cook...did I luck out or what?

I cleaned out my cupboard. You probably have one just like it. One that has all sorts of stuff and you really need to clean it but you can never find the time. I cleaned it today. Ahhhh...

We have a huge delivery box in our garage. Today it got dragged out into the yard and turned into a house, boat, and submarine. It was also for a few moments an amusement park ride as cousin Jackson went in the box while Rory and Kyan tipped the box over. And then they did it again. And then the adults put a stop to that one...

Crosby went on his first swing ride. He was not impressed.

After dinner we walked to get ice cream (sherbet for me, and yes, I like sherbet, it doesn't mean I am weird).

Rory fell asleep in my lap and then Kyan fell asleep as we cuddled singing songs.


KelliGirl said...

I love sherbet, too....I actually just bought some last night.

Sounds like you had a perfectly lovely day...I am glad of that! :)

Di said...

Sounds like a beautiful day. I love the cardboard toy. Isn'tthat always the way. Buy the l00.00 toy and they are playing with the box! Hope today turns sunny!

DebG said...

A perfect day! Here's to enjoying a Sunday to match it:)

jennhas3boys said...

this makes me smile... and I LOVE sherbet!

angela said...

It was a good day. =)

liz austin said...

Yea for beautiful family days!

Beth said...

Love sherbet, love cupboard cleanng (which I need to do despwratwly), and most of all LOVE family time? Glad you had all 3.

Beth said...

I'm so desperate, I apparently can't even spell desperate!