Friday, April 27, 2012


Last Friday I had my hair cut short because it started to fall out. I thought it was really short, until my hair started to fall out even faster and I realized that my version of short was not short enough. Plus, it was just looking weird.

This morning I grabbed Kelly's trimmer, set it to 4, and started to buzz what was left. And then I started laughing because I really suck at shaving heads (not that I knew that before). I called Kelly, who had Rory and Kyan in tow, and gave him the trimmer. He trimmed what was left of my 'long' hair and the little boys could have cared less.

I now look a little like a graying G.I. Jane (noggin only, no kick ass biceps). But, my bandanna stayed on a little better today, except when Ky thought it would be fun to take it off, and when I took the bandanna off my hair wasn't sticking straight up like it had been for the past week. Phew.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Jeanne said...

You continue to inspire me daily! May God bless you!

liz austin said...

Kids are amazing, they are so excepting of the new <3

angela said...

I love that you took the trimmers to your head. So brave! We have a chair rental at the salon if you want to add to your already busy schedule. =) I know you said you aren't very good with the trimmers, but cutting your own hair is quite a task! I continue to think of you daily, and just want to thank you for being you.

KelliGirl said...

Just be glad R and K didn't ask you to do theirs, too. :)