Thursday, April 19, 2012

Putting Things Away

On January 2, Kelly and I went shopping for a chest. We wanted something to store Cora's "things" in, and I deemed a plastic tote in the basement unacceptable (as did Kelly). So we ordered a beautiful chest where we could put her things.

I had piles of things that remind me of Cora around the house. For months I had a box in the dining room of all of the cards and letters we received after she passed away. In our bedroom alcove I had a bag with the guest book, prayer cards, a memory candle, and other things from her calling hours and funeral. Under a guest bed I had a box of clothing that she would never wear. In the nursery closet I had a basket of blankets, sweaters, and hats that people had made for her.

At the end of February we got a call that the chest we ordered had been discontinued and it would not be arriving. In early March I ordered a different one that was back ordered for 2 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 6 weeks. It finally arrived last week. It was placed in our bedroom and I did nothing. I didn't clean it out. I didn't gather her things. It just sat there for a week.

This afternoon I decided it was time. I did okay as I put the box of cards and items that were never "hers" away, but then I came to the onsie she was wearing when she died. It was so little. Then I came to the shirt I had on at the hospital and one of her onsies that had not been washed. I had to just sit for a while, to catch my breath, to remember that it has not yet been 6 months, but it feels like so much longer.


Flugmacher said...

sending you and kelly tons of love

angela said...

hugs, hugs, hugs...

Beth said...

There is no tougher stuff, but I hope you heal with each brave step you take. Sending lots of love.

Kim said...

Much love and many hugs...

KelliGirl said...

Another item on the list of "Things People Should Never Have to Do." You have done far too many of the things on that list, my friend.

Hugs and love, Pookie, hugs and love.

Jennifer said...

Tough stuff :( Lots of hugs to you tonight...