Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Survivor's Network

I was told over and over again that I would not be sick, that there were meds to help me through chemo and that if what I started with didn't work, there were other options.

My port is internal ~ a few years ago it would have been external and showers would have been a pain and swimming would have been impossible.

When it comes time for radiation, I may need an internal guide. These guides used to be sewn in with no anesthesia, now patients are twilighted (if not completely knocked out) during the procedure.

All of these steps in the right direction are because of cancer survivors. Cancer survivors who made it through and said, "Yes, we are grateful to be alive, but..." This week, in particular, I am exceptionally thankful for the survivor's network. On Monday when I arrived home from my first round of chemo, I think everyone expected me to take to my bed or position myself in front of the toilet bowl (including myself). Turns out I came home feeling pretty good and have stayed feeling pretty good because I have followed the guidelines of  what others found worked to keep them up and as healthy as can be.

So, today, I thank all of those patients who went before me who have made my first week of chemotherapy much less scary and nerve-wracking than I was expecting!


frieda said...

I am so glad, and relieved, that this is going so well!

KelliGirl said...

Indeed. No better guides than those who have walked this walk. Glad they have provided such sage advice for you!