Friday, April 6, 2012

"I'm right here, mommy."

When we were leaving the Snuggery (aka the Maternity Floor) with the twins, Kelly and I had all four kids and were attempting to leave gracefully. That didn't work. I mean, we left, but there was no grace. As we were trying to exit, I said, "Rory, where are you?" and in his quiet voice he said "I am right here, mommy."

Rory has been "right here" with me throughout my journey through motherhood. He is the one who taught me to trust my instincts, when to follow the rules and when they should be bent - how to dance that fine line between discipline and fun.

Rory walks the line between gentle and boisterous like no other, but beneath all of his boyishness is the sweetest little guy. He is so tender with Crosby and, when the mood strikes, he and Ky are the best of friends. (And when the mood doesn't strike....yikes!)

Tonight we were dying Easter eggs and Rory wanted to try to do everything himself (he did a pretty good job!) and then towards the end he decided to make his own colors by putting the same egg in different dyes to see what would happen. (Rory, after moving an egg from blue to red: Oh no, WHAT will happen now?! with a big smile on his face.) I hope he carries on with this spirit - the one eager to try something himself in his own, unique way.


liz austin said...

Very sweet!

angela said...

He is and will continue to be amazing because you grew him. XOXO

KelliGirl said...

He is such a doll!

I am sure he will continue to do so...with you by his side, encouraging him every step of the way.

See? HOPE. :)