Monday, April 23, 2012

What I Do on Treatment Days

My long treatment days are very exciting. So exciting I need to tell you all about them.

I schedule my appointments late enough so Kelly and I can bring Rory and Ky to school. I start my visits with bloodwork, which is always an adventure because of my crap veins. Today I gave up enough blood for the tests they needed to see before allowing me to proceed with chemo, but waited for the rest until my port was accessed. I think the lab techs draw straws to see who has me.

Then I go up to Dr. S's office. We talk about my symptoms and side-effects, test results, and upcoming treatments and testing. I don't think I have praised him enough, but he deserves high praise. I mean, really, he has to deal with me. And I am pretty sure he doesn't throw back a shot of whiskey before walking in the room.
Then we go back downstairs and I settle in to my bed while my nurse (Kate on long days), gets the meds I need. I get fluids throughout, but start with steroids and anti-nausea meds, then onto the first chemo drug, and finally onto the last one. While I am getting these meds, Kelly and I have lunch, try to watch a movie (there are a lot of interruptions!), and hang out.

This is perhaps the best part - that Kelly comes with me. He makes me laugh a lot as we wait between appointments. When I come out of the lab with the bandage on my hand instead of my arm, he knows it didn't go well. When I get on the scale he knows to wait at the doorway. When I talk to Dr. S. he doesn't snicker too much at my roundabout, semi-flakey answers. When they access my port, he cringes when I do-even though it doesn't hurt. When I comment on Jeremy Renner's cute bum in a movie, he concurs. Oh wait, no he does not.

He is a great support for a million little reasons and a million big ones. One thing I never question is the fact that I knocked it out of the park the day I married him.


Unknown said...

Actually I do concur... :)

crichichi said...

True Love! It isn't easy being a caregiver - but he's lucky to have you loving him back and expressing how you feel!


Beth said...

OMG, Kelly. You crack me up. I don't even know who Jeremy Renner is.

Suzanne - If I remember correctly, you knew you wanted to marry Kelly for a long time before your actual wedding day... You always were brilliant ;-).

So glad you have each other.

Denise L. said...

Suzanne, There is an amazing woman at the lab at GFH named Linda. She is the only one who can get draws on my daughter and she is very nice. We ALWAYS request her!

Jessica Kane said...


angela said...

So sweet...Your Prince Charming I Love that... as Kevin would say you won the lottery the day you married. I'm still smiling to know that true Gentleman are out there raising little boys, and being Fabulous husbands! My hat is off to you Kelly Murphy and I am so glad that you have him right there by your side Suzanne. What a blessing. xoxo

KelliGirl said...

Of course the Boi concurs....he very obviously has incredible taste!