Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More Questions

Some answers to more FAQs:

1) When will you know if the chemotherapy is controlling the tumor growth?
Not for at least another month. I will go through another round of chemotherapy (starting 4/23) and a week or so after that I will go for a scan to see if the tumors in the liver are responding. In the meantime, Dr. S is looking for clinical signs that it might be working: decreased pain, decreased effects of the cancers, etc. The tricky part of that is that some of the side effects of chemotherapy are the same effects I go through from the cancer.

2) Can I still get a Team SMAC shirt?
Yes! We are putting in another order at the end of April, no firm date yet. If you are interested, email Kelli-girl at with the size(s). Sizes available are Youth XS-L and Adult S-5X. Cost is $15/adult shirt, $10/youth shirt, $2 or $5 for shipping (based on the size of your order).
I am still distributing some Team SMAC shirts from the first order, and the majority of the "to ship" orders went out today (a few will go out tomorrow).

3) Why do you still swim?
Think of all of the reasons exercise is good for you when you are well. Now compound that by...oh, say a million. Exercise helps boost immunity, so it also helps me stay healthy (and as an added bonus it makes me feel like I am being proactive about my well-being). The healthier I stay, the more likely it is that I stay out of the hospital and am able to continue an aggressive chemo schedule.
Oh yeah, and I enjoy it. :)

4) Why don't you ever respond to comments on your blog?
I fight the urge. Often. But I made a decision not to comment on comments (that sounds silly).

5) What do you think of Dr. S's salary? (For non-local folks, Dr. S's salary was published in our local paper.)
I could give a flying fig newton what he earns. I trust him completely and that is all that matters to me.

6) You still look good. Are you sure you have cancer?
Um, thanks. And um, yes.

Here is the thing. For the two months I knew I had cancer but no one could treat me because the diagnosis was so complicated, I went kind of batty. I one was helping me. So I decided to help myself. Gave up Diet Coke. Started juicing. Began taking handfuls of wheatgrass tablets. Changed to a primarily vegetarian diet. Continued to consume endless water. Scheduled appointments for reiki and acupuncture.

And I feel good. I really, really do. In irony of all ironies, in many ways I feel better than I have in years. 


Beth said...

Suzanne - This is another testament to the fighter you are, and to the loving mother, wife, daughter, aunt, friend, person you are...

It would be so easy for you to give up exercise to spend that extra time with your family, but you see that the sacrifice now may end up giving you more time in the long run. It would be so easy for you to say that you're going to enjoy all the Diet Coke you want now because you have so many questions about the future... But you know that giving it up will have a positive impact on your body now, no matter what the future holds.

Glad to hear that you're contnuing to train for the fight, for youself and for all of us.

And, by the way, if Dr. S. is making you feel better - emotionally and/or physically - that's worth any price. Others might understand that if they ever needed Dr. S's services... but I still hope they never do.

angela said...

You really do look great =)

KelliGirl said...

It boils down to one word: AWESOME. Cause that's what you are.

Di said...

Definition of stamina,resolve,determination,accomplishment,achievement:SUZANNE!


Bob Singer said...

...and I thought you are still swimming because it makes all of us feel so good to see you there. :)