Thursday, April 26, 2012

Little Prayers

I don't think I ever prayed for something miraculous until the night of October 22 and the day of October 23. And those prayers, they didn't work. As much as I begged, pleaded, gave myself up, and bartered, a miracle did not happen.

Since I have found out my prognosis, I have not prayed for a miraculous recovery. Perhaps I am too marred by my prayers for Cora not being answered, or I am too practical to consider a miracle as a possibility, but I am still willing to turn to prayer. I pray for "small" things. I pray that the side-effects of my treatments will allow me to still live a good life for as long as possible. I pray that I will continue to be able to bring Rory and Ky to school each morning. I pray that I will see Crosby take his first steps. When I start to venture into miraculous territory, I pray that I will drop all three boys at their kindergarten doors on the first day of school.

Maybe I think these "little" prayers are easier to answer. I think miraculous prayers can be answered, but I also think "little" ones can be too ~ and those are what are keeping me going today.


angela said...

I will pray for those things too for you and your family. I will also continue to Hope. Hope for WEAK cancer cells and a STRONG body.

KelliGirl said...

All those little prayers answered can pile up and make a miraculous one. I will continue to pray for both!

Loving you big time...XOXO

liz austin said...

Those little things make all the difference in a big way <3

Beth said...

Dear God - Whichever prayers Suzanne decides to send your way before she lays her head down at night, I second them.

Jeanne said...

You are always in my prayers, and I do believe BIG miracles DO happen. . . I do pray that you get one of them <3