Monday, April 16, 2012

Why Your Mother Muttered

Parenting is a tough job. Parenting with a "life-threatening" illness (I really dislike that phrase) is tougher. I want my children's memories of me to involve sun drenched afternoons playing outside and picnics on the grass. Today would have been a lovely day for such memories. But, we had other things to do.

Today involved running Kyan to an appointment, taking Crosby for a walk so he would sleep, and telling Rory that, no, he could not spend the afternoon naked (I blame my father-in-law for that) while he went traipsing through the woods with grandma. Then I was getting dinner ready and the Rory and Kyan were not sharing well. What am I saying? Rory and Kyan were not sharing. There is no "well" about it. So the "two minute sharing rule" was declared. And when the two minutes were up the older boys did not want to follow the sharing rule and Crosby thought it would be a good time to wake up crying and so there were tears and sad faces and rice that needed to prepared. We ended up with two boys sitting on the floor while I was cursing under my breath because I could not remember where I put the Baby Bjorn (seriously, it has been 5 days...where IS that thing?), and, well...we won't discuss the rice.

I have tried to remember what I remember from when I was 4 or younger ~ and the answer is not much. Glimmers of things, more than full memories. Perhaps the boys will remember sitting on the kitchen floor while I muttered to myself. I guess if that is the case, at least now they will know why I was muttering!


crichichi said...

I keep laughing at this, especially thinking about Rory wanting to spend the afternoon naked in the woods. I keep reading that line and wonder if you blame your FIL because Rory saw him traipsing naked in the woods and therefore wants to do it as well or his Grandpa gave him the idea to do it. Im sure i know the answer, but Just the thought is making me laugh.

I'm thinking back now over the past 4 years and how I've behaved, how I wish I'd behaved, or better yet how I wish Angelo behaved. I wish I could have done many things differently. I've thought about how much of Anthony's and almost all of Anna's lives have been impacted by living with a sick parent. Then I see how they are and what they have become. They become better people for the days that we mutter. you will see that yourself many years down the road!

And I look forward to the day that your Daughter in law is telling her son that it isn't okay to traipse through the woods naked with Grandma Suzanne! And is that because he saw Grandpa Kelly do it and thought it was ok?


Beth said...

Sometimes, the mutterings turn nto funnier memories than the days showered in sunshine... Who doesn't remember their mms doing that... and who doesn't laugh at that memory?!!!

angela said...

Just another day in the life as we know it with little ones! I'm glad you opted for no nakey time in the woods...I cant imagine the search for ticks would be a fun one!

KelliGirl said...

Regardless, they should know you are human....and they will appreciate that more than all the days filled with sunshine and rainbows they can hold. :)

I cannot stop laughing at Rory wanting to traipse naked in the woods, and I'm proud that your muttering didn't teach them any new "special" words!