Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It was a late night with the Bunco girls...and we had a fond farewell to She Who Shall Not Be Named. She went out with a bang, winning most Buncos and ending the final round with a Bunco. (For non-Bunco readers (in other words, all of you except the other 11 women I play with) ~ she won big.)

Anyhow, I was going to do a longer post tonight about my other half, but it is late and my mind is burnt from all that Bunco-ness and I couldn't even start to do it justice. So (I know, I use "So" a lot as a transition ~ I will work on that.), tonight's post is short and sweet.

Two of my friends recently sent me some Team SMAC bands to share with, well, um...Team SMAC. And when I saw "two friends" what I really mean is "my two pot-brownie friends" because you know a little bit about them already. They sent me many bands and I am sharing, sharing, sharing, but I still have more to share. Here they are:

The whole saying is Team SMAC  LIVE for today, HOPE for tomorrow

If you would like one, let me know. If you are someone I see, tell me when I see you. If I don't see you around town, shoot me an email with your address (if I don't have it) and I can send it, or send it with someone, or send it via carrier pigeon. Whatever works. For those of you who are readers, but I don't know you (my sock-leaving, card sending, kindness overflowing anonymous readers) - don't hesitate to shoot me an email if you'd like one.  I promise I won't stalk you. Much.


Anonymous said...

hey girl, sounds like you had a fun night!! I would like a Team SMAC bracelet. My mom & dad are coming for a visit in a few weeks. can you send it with them? I can tell my mom to pick it up from you if that's ok. Just let me know. Thanks.

KelliGirl said...

Me! Me! Me! One small one for my peanut (she is desperate to have her own!), please, and one for Mike? I meant to ask you tonight.

Thanks for bringing Bunco and, especially, the Bunco friends into my life. I am so happy to have them as friends! :)

Deb Roberts said...

I still need a small one for Emily some time if you bring them to the pool

amymc said...

Oh, Little Miss 'Math is EVERYWHERE!'...

There you go, giving away the answer key (I blame the *not* drinking with Bunco)! At least the other of your "two friends" and I enjoyed relative of anonymity with the posts here and on facebook. Now, anyone who cares to figure it out (not that many DO care), can - EASILY! This has removed me from the 'Never comment to blogs, just read/stalk' category to 'Must defend myself, therefore comment' category!

The "Two Friends" would like for everyone (especially Kelly, Rory, Kyan, Crosby - oh, and Mrs Ely and Mrs Murphy) to know that we NEVER sent or truly intended to send pot-brownies! Nor would either of us even know how to procure pot (though, we are resourceful and could figure out how to make the brownies with the powers of Google). The thought crossed our minds merely when discussing just HOW we could help from far away. I think it was something along the lines of 'Too bad NY is not a medicinal marijuana state - otherwise we could send her brownies.' It ended about right there for us. It has since taken on a life of its own.

That said, we're fine with either designation. Actually with all the giggles created, "my two pot-brownie friends" is even something of an honor. I just wanted to set the record straight. :)

As for the bands, the "pot-brownie friends" are glad that so many are enjoying them. We picked the quote so that all could have a constant reminder to LIVE for today, HOPE for tomorrow - for Suzanne, her family, even ourselves. We totally borrowed the words from Albert Einstein. We thought it was especially fitting that the quote for such a brilliant, amazing lady should have such a source.

Beth said...

I'd love it if you could save one for me til next time I see you!