Thursday, March 29, 2012


Can I tell you how frequently the topic of pot brownies has come up since my cancer diagnosis?

It all started with two youth group friends, who will remain nameless to protect their identities, who talked to each other about what they could do to help. They thought "pot brownies" (for those who don't know, pot - I mean, medical marijuana - helps with the chemo side effects) would be a great idea. There was just one problem: they had no idea where to get the pot. (I run with a wild crowd.)

A few weeks later at Bunco I am regaling the ladies with the pot brownie story and I kid you not, this led to a in-depth discussion of where pot could be obtained (again, no real answers...I hang out with the wrong people to try to be rebellious with). Perhaps the best part of that conversation was that then, instead of the Bunco ladies making these hypothetical pot brownies themselves, they were going to ship the pot to my youth group friends. Because you know, shipping pot through the mail is a good idea.

Which leads me to today. A friend posted this picture on my Facebook wall:
This is an item that was for sale at the Dana Farber just makes me laugh. Had I seen one when I was there, I would have bought one just for kicks.

Now, a disclaimer. Many, many lovely readers of this blog - both who I know and who wish to remain anonymous - sent me some amazing socks after my sock post. Please do NOT send me any pot brownies!


KelliGirl said...

No can just go visit She Who Must Not Be Named and get it legally. :)

Beth said...
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Beth said...

Who knew they'd be so inexpensive!

jennhas3boys said...

We must have the same friends, I wouldn't know where to get it either! And speaking of brownies.... Mmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

I did see in todays paper that you can puchase incence meant to mimic the effects of marijuana, available at your local gas station, not sure how edible that would be though. :)