Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The second Wednesday of every month, except for July and when it is the third Wednesday instead

About once I month I play Bunco. For those of you who don't know what Bunco is, it is a game people play to prove I cannot make tally marks and carry on a conversation at the same time. Okay, maybe that is not the actual goal of the game, but it is what I have learned from playing. It is also what my Bunco group has learned since they see me with a score sheet and take it away. Hmph.

My Bunco group started when one of my neighbors, Vicki (henceforth known as She Who Will Not Be Named since she is moving away and abandoing us for sunny Cali), rang my doorbell and gave me a flyer for a Bunco group she was starting and she insisted it would be fun (true) and easy (she did not tell me I would have to count while drinking). Early on I missed a lot of nights between work deadlines and um, work deadlines, but gradually was able to go more, and I started genuinely missing these women the months I could not go.

We have now been playing together for 6 years. Our group has evolved ~ some members were not a good fit or moved away, one beloved member lost her battle with cancer, and April will be our last month with our founder, AKA She Who Will Not Be Named. Six years of weaving friendships among a core group of women has created a strong bond ~ one which I am thankful to have in my life.

I should note, they also requested I use more curse words in my blog so they could drink more often. Did I mention we are also a classy bunch?

1 comment:

KelliGirl said...

So much for drugs and bed...

This is NOT the post you said you were going to write, Bunco Winner! It started with an F word and ended with one, too! Lisa is going to be soooo disappointed.....and sober.

And thanks for bringing me into the group years ago....what an amazing bunch of women. Even She Who Will Not Be Named. ;)