Sunday, March 4, 2012

FAQ, part 2

One question I forgot....

Why do you write the blog?/Your blog is very honest, how do you write like that?

The answer is simple and complicated at the same time. No matter how my prognosis changes (hopefully for the better), I will die while Rory, Kyan, and Crosby are still children. So, part of this is a trail for them when they are adults to know a little more about me, and what happened through my cancer journey and how they were a part of it. My sincere hope is that much of it will be enlightening ~ that their childhoods are just that, childhoods, and they are protected as much as possible.


angela said...

I love that you blog. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

Beth said...

I love it too. I think that putting it all down in writing is good for you mentally, and emotionally too.

KelliGirl said...

And what an incredible way for them to hear your "voice" and know first-hand how you handled the cruddy hand you were dealt with such raw courage, emotion, strength, and wit. They will treasure this always....we all will. XOXO