Sunday, March 18, 2012


The mystery is gone with Kelly and me.

You know how early in a relationship you are never in the bathroom at the same time, but then eventually that wall comes down (like when you live in a house with one bathroom...)? But then you still have a bunch of other things that "keep the mystery."

Until you decide to have children. And then it really feels like there is no mystery left at all. (While we are at it, childbirth really leads to no modesty among others at all. I remember thinking my mom went to work and helped deliver babies and then spent her day rocking them. Man, was I wrong!)

Turns out childbirth wasn't the end of the mystery. Since my cancer diagnosis, Kelly has travelled with me to almost every appointment. At just about every single one they ask me to describe in detail all sorts of symptoms ~ in particular GI symptoms.

At this point, I think Kelly could answer that question for me. But...we still had one bit of mystery left. My weight. It was never out there. Cut to a rambling appointment with Dr. S. Out of the CLEAR BLUE he says, and "I see here you have lost 5 pounds this week going from xxx to xxx."
(And yes, I did just use the word "dude" to describe someone who is really not well described by that term...)

So, I have been on the hunt for more mystery. And joke...was my first thought: "He doesn't know I won a costume prize my senior year South High Marathon Dance for dressing up like a palm tree with another classmate and holding a hammock between us."

I think I need to accept the mystery is gone.


crichichi said...

Suzanne - I'm cracking up at this post because as a caregiver I think we know the patient better than the patient. It's like talking about how your baby is pooping...I mean, who would think we would ever know that answer when asked of a spouse ;). I have to say Angelo to this day wonders why I don't go to his Drs appts alone since they always seem to turn to me to answer the questions ;). I'm sure you will find more mysteries though or maybe we can help you ;)

Love to you all!

KelliGirl said...

Oooohhh, bad Dr. S.! Bad boy!

I think it's okay that the mystery is gone...I'm sure new ones will pop up along the way.

And in the meantime - he never does know what happens in the car in the driveway! Ha! ;)

JenK said...

I'll always be proud to share the palm tree with hammock costume award with you! We did make some great palm trees!