Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Six Months, Crosby!

I share the least-flattering pictures of myself, but I really love this one. This was taken the morning Cora and Crosby were born, right before I walked from my hospital room to the operating room. We were so excited to meet the babies ~ and I must admit, I was ready to give birth!

That morning was so wonderful ~ everyone was so excited and things went well. Cora Lily was born first, and minutes later Crosby Robert joined us. Because they were born via c-section, I was the last one in the room to see them, but it was worth the wait. They were both absolutely perfect. Because I couldn't really move much other than my right arm and turn my head, I kept asking Kelly and the nurses to hold them in positions so I could see them. And I couldn't really tell who was who, so I kept having to ask...talk about being a slacker twin parent! Though now when I look at pictures I have no idea how I couldn't tell them apart...

From the operating room, one of my favorite moments was when Kelly was holding Cora and one of the nurses came over and popped Crosby into his arms and said something funny to him, like "Welcome to reality." Kelly's eyes got huge for about 10 seconds, and then he settled right in with both of them.

It is hard to believe that wonderful morning was six months ago and at the same time it is hard to believe that Crosby is already six months old. He is adorable and happy and enamored with the antics of his big brothers. Kyan likes being silly near him and Rory entertains him for long stretches of time with songs and toys. Crosby has two very sharp teeth and an uncanny ability to roll to the right, while refusing to do the same to the left. And his smile, it is huge and charming and melts my heart each time I see it. It is amazing to me how much joy, peace, and love he has brought to us already. Happy Six Months, Crosby!


Anonymous said...

Happy 1/2 birthday, Crosby!! what a wonderful pic of you and Kelly. Your joy and excitement jumps right off the page!! Tell Crosby that Memphis is quite jealous... 11 1/2 months and not a single tooth and no signs of any anytime soon. Lol. <3

krisliz said...

Happy 6 months to your littlest man!!!

KelliGirl said...

I jumped out of my skin every time my phone rang that day...such joy and anticipation!! And love.

Happy 6 months, Crosby! You make the world a better place, sweet boy! Love you!

I LOVE that picture of you, Pookie - it is the perfect reflection of that day. What smiles!! XOXOXOXO

Beth said...

Happy 6 months, Crosby! Thanks for bringing so much joy to your mom and dad, and all of the people who love them!

frieda said...

Happy 6 months, Crosby!! And you look wonderful, Suzanne.

angela said...

Happy Month Day little one...as my Kate would say! I hope you had cake! I know Kate would be very disappointed to hear otherwise... any reason for cake...

Christy said...

What a beautiful, heartwarmimg description of a very special day. Happy birthday Crosby and hugs to the whole family!