Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Several years ago, a friend and coworker lost her newborn grandson, Evan. Evan's mom fed him and was letting him sleep on her shoulder when she suddenly realized that Evan was not breathing. Evan's parents called 911 and for three days prayed for a miracle, but Evan passed away, surrounded by his loving family.

Over the years, especially after I had my own children, I would occasionally think about my friend and her family and wonder how Evan's parents were holding up.

The night Cora's heart stopped beating, as I was sitting in my family room, for some reason I thought of Evan and his family. Thinking of him is what made me look down at Cora - to check on her - because she was still at that tiny size that you can't feel them breathing. I saw her movements were not her own, but mine.

I have thought about this over and over. Why did I think of Evan right then?


crichichi said...

Over the past 4 years I have come to find great comfort in knowing (through feeling) that spirits/angels are ever present in our lives. I believe that certain people come into our minds at times to let us know they are present...I hope one day you find peace in knowing that Cora was and is not alone - and she will forever be at your side. Xoxo

Beth said...

Some things - like the power of the soul and a mother's instincts - just can't be explained.

angela said...

That little angel was with yours xoxo

KelliGirl said...

Perhaps it was Evan taking Cora's hand.

I agree with Courtney wholeheartedly....angels are among us, and this to me seems a sign of just that.

I love you, Pook.

Di said...

Perhaps Evan was coming to deliver a messaage to you. We have human minds. I feel there is so much more we cannot even comprehend.Go with your heart. Go with your feelings. They are telling you something. Someday all the pieces of the puzzle will fit.

DebG said...

As others have already said, Evan was surely by your side and taking Cora in his arms.