Friday, March 30, 2012

Keeping Up

I was raised to write thank you notes to people, to respond when people reach out, to let people know how much I appreciate the things that they have done.

Yet right now I am horribly behind on such things. I still have a gift for the nurses (Snuggettes!) who took care of the twins and me. I have a list of over one hundred people I need to write thank you notes to (and I have made a pretty solid dent in the entire list). I have emails and Facebook messages that I am slowly responding to, but some I received over a month ago...

Don't worry, mom, I am not trying to make a blog post as a stand in! (I think I can actually hear her sigh of relief.)   :)

It is hard keeping up ~ especially when my primary focus is on spending time with everyone. But I am trying to catch up (ever so slowly). In the meantime, I just want everyone to know how much I appreciate all of the cards, emails, gifts, flowers, food, socks (!), and other wonderful kindnesses. My lack of grateful communication is not meant to be a slight. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.


KelliGirl said...

You are a class act, my friend. I guarantee no one expects a thank you note, but I know you won't rest easy until they are done. Let me know if you need any handwriting isn't gorgeous like your mom's, but I can hold my own! :)

Beth said...

I'm pretty sure you just said everything you need to. XOXO

krisliz said...

Your mom can rest assured, she raised an amazing daughter! I think if you've fallen behind on thank you notes & correspondence, we all understand. After all, there are hundreds, if not thousands of us and only one of you! Do what makes you happy. If it's writing thank you notes, so be it! If it's playing cars or reading with your boys that's fine, too! We all know you're greatful. The best thing about acts of love is they benefit the giver and the receiver. No thanks required ; )

fromthelukovyears said...

I have been following your blog and there is just so much I want to say, but for now, please know that my heart goes out to you and your family.

I wanted to comment on this post specifically - being an avid thank you note writer myself. What about creating pre-printed thank you notes that give thanks and explain why you can't write everyone personally - because you want to maximize all of the time you can with your family & friends. That is what everyone is hoping you will do anyway. You could even write a quick phrase/sentence on each card if you feel the need to personalize it a bit. Your friends/family who are wanting to help could assist you in getting these out just as quickly as the gifts & help pour in . . .

It is evident from your posts that you have become a courageous, clever, witty and an incredible mom, wife, daughter and friend. I have every part of my body crossed for a positive outcome to treatment. Take care and much love to you and all those surrounding you.