Thursday, March 8, 2012

No Walls

One of my favorite sets in swimming used to be a "no walls" set. For the non-swimming folks, what that means is that you swim to right before the wall, do a flip turn, but instead of having the wall to push off from you essentially have to work against the current you just created and rebuild your speed. (Think of a salmon swimming upstream...only we don't do it to least in MY lane we don't do it for that!) I loved these sets because they really increased my endurance - a few times isn't too bad, but over and over again can be exhausting - working through the set was satisfying.

Today I was swimming solo and there was a long no walls set as part of the workout, and it was just tiring. I missed the little post-flip turn boost I get when pushing off the wall and it was frustrating feeling like I was struggling to even move, not to mention not even coming close to a passable stroke.

There is a very obvious analogy here to everything that is going on in my life lately. I have always liked a challenge, I have always liked to push myself harder, but right now I am tired. I would like a few moments to rest at the wall, to mourn Cora, and then push off again to battle these cancers, but there are no walls for me right now.


Meg said...

Think of all of us like those sweaty teenage lifeguards...we will let you do it whatever way you want, but we'll be in the pool if you can't do it alone. (We also yell if you run on deck and blow the whistle if you horse-around.)

crichichi said...

Suzanne - I love this analogy and although what you have been and are going through is different than what I experience I can understand what it's like to just want to slow down and rest. If you can't stop at that wall, let yourself swim WITH the current for a while and let those of us who love you pull you along. Prayers and love for you! Xoxo

KelliGirl said...

I think you need a relay for a while...let us take a lap or two for you. We'll at least take the flips, and you can glide on the current the rest of the way.

And I promise not to wear floaties and embarrass you in front of your cool swimmer friends.


Beth said...

Feel free to push against me, lean on me, verbally abuse me... Whatever will help you get through each day!

The Amusing Redhead said...


Flugmacher said...

i'm one of your walls. push off, lean, hold on what ever you need to do. duck, duck, goose? i love you suzanne