Monday, March 26, 2012


I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a morning person. To cope with this, I started each day with a Diet Coke. I was pretty sure the "nectar" the Greek gods consumed on Mount Olympus was, in fact, Diet Coke. But I have now given up Diet Coke. Eight days. And here's the thing that I really don't want to admit, but am going to...I feel better. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh...DON'T. TELL. ANYONE.

Still, I am not a morning person. Starting the day with water or a concoction from the juicer instead of Diet Coke has not made it worse, but it certainly has not made it better. I need cajoling to get up ~ and even then, cheerful is not my natural first emotion.

The same cannot be said of Ky. That child LOVES the morning. He wakes up happy as could be - filled with smiles, dancing, and hugs. He is ready to play (cars, cars!) and rarely interested in watching more than 5 or 10 minutes of a show so I can grab a few more minutes of sleep. I suppose if one has to have an early riser, it is good to have a happy one.

Rory is more like me. He wakes up and shuffles to wherever he is going (usually to me, still in bed, because Kelly is kind enough to get up with Ky), then sits in "his spot" on the couch to drink his milk while he wakes up. He eases into mornings. Not a thing wrong with that, in my opinion.

Now Crosby...he is still a mystery. Some mornings he wakes up cooing and smiley, content to hang out in his bouncer for a while before having his bottle. Other mornings all my neighbors probably know he is awake. He wakes up fast and loud. Really loud until a bottle reaches him. I am curious to know which side will "win," as he gets older. I have a feeling he will be a little bit more like me. Because, until 8 days ago, I would have completely understood being really loud until I had my Diet Coke.


KelliGirl said...

Crosby is like B....some mornings are eased into slowly, but some are bright and bouncy and full of joy. And some are even a bit surly.

As you know, I am with you...mornings are nothing to write home about. :)

Di said...

Mornings should not be...should be a no bother time.. until at least 10. Neither Al nor I were morning persons...someone would call at would say "who the hell is calling at this time of the day?" ha...this of course was afer jennifer and working. Then I think about my to do list and if I had moved a bit faster in the much more I could have accomplished...Istarted drinking coffee about 4 years ago....helps wake me up a bit.But...when I am with the grandkids....anywhere from 6:30 on can be wake up time...back to reality!