Thursday, March 22, 2012

No Word

I did not get a call from Dana Farber today.
I am frustrated, annoyed, and angry.
Limbo sucks.

Tomorrow I will chase everyone I need to chase down.
Hopefully there will be some answers.
I need a fucking plan.


Meg said...

From your mouth to God's ears. (Even He enjoys an appropriately placed f-bomb.)

Deb Roberts said...

I know you'll be assertive today. Push. You do not want to sit all weekend with no answers. They will take the weekend off which always sort of blows my mind when you are the patient - that people have weekends. If you need we can send Emily over there to beat people up. She is very scary.

Beth said...

Be relentless. Make them want to give you answers for the simple reason that they don't want to deal with another phone call from you.

Jo-Ann said...

Suzanne, you have been more than patient. While they are sitting there hmming and hawing (I don't know if those are real words), you are going through emotional hell. I can't imagine. Why should you have to expend so much energy trying to get answers, waiting for them to come up with a fucking plan? I am so frustrated for you. You are in my heart constantly. I don't just pray for you, but I pray for your physicians to have the wisdom to make the right choices. Be strong.

KelliGirl said...

I know you will do what you have to in order to get your answers...and I pray they have done what they were supposed to in order to HAVE your answers.

And if not, let Deb send Emily over there...I have no doubt Team SMAC will cover her bail money and lawyer. :)

Stacey said...

Suzanne, How frustrating and annoying that they allowed yesterday to pass without an answer for you! Echoing Jo-Ann and Beth's sentiments, I pray that today will bring forth that fruitful answer and a prescribed course of action!!