Monday, March 19, 2012

Port (sorry, not the post-dinner beverage)

Today I had my port put in...on my port side! (Boating husband will be amused.)

When I went for my consult last week my surgeon, Dr. D'A, said to me "This is the type of surgery that either gets done in 25 minutes or surgeons get down on their knees and pray and it ends up taking an hour." Mine took an hour and a half. Go me. I think I just wanted a longer nap.

[Skip to the next paragraph if you don't want the heebie jeebies.] What really happened was that the catheter for the port is usually threaded through a vein in the arm. That path was too tight, so they had to thread it up into my neck. Sounds worse than it is. I am hoping it settles in a little bit as time passes. Or that wearing neckerchiefs makes a style comeback, because you all know how stylish I am.

Recovery for about an hour, then home. I tried valiantly to take a nap this afternoon, but no luck. I felt good enough to do all the stuff I usually do by late afternoon. Even went for a walk tonight with my neighbor.

Rory hasn't even noticed the bandages, or my oompa-loompa orange shading which I get to keep for a few days because showering is off limits for a bit. Kyan has noticed, traced the catheter from port to where it cannot be seen with his finger, and then tried to peel off the bandage. He is a very helpful little 2-year old. Crosby must think it is his job to be held by others while mommy talks to him since 5 out of the last 7 days I haven't been able to hold him much. Good thing he just likes to have chats while he reclines in his bouncer.

So, the port is in. Now all of the oncologists and pathologists in my world just have to agree so it can be put to use.


Meg said...

Neckerchiefs *aren't* in style? Well, there goes my outfit for tomorrow...damn.

KelliGirl said...

We could always get temporary tattoos and decorate your neck...really give them something to stare at!
Neckerchiefs might not be fashion-forward, but scarves always are...I will make you one in whatever color you like. Just in time for the 80 degree weather.

Glad it is in, jealous of your Dr. D time, and anxious for you to put it to good use, too!

Beth said...

Well, we all come with a port for the after-dinner drink - thank goodness for that!

Glad to hear that it went well and that you are ready to begin as soon as they say go!

Deb Roberts said...

So glad they put it in on the port side. Don't think it would have ever seemed right on the starboard.

I am also glad they got it in. One time they were putting a central line in Em in the ICU and after several hours, never got the line in. :(

Not to say you have to be grateful for a line in your neck, that is way to much to ask. But I guess it is better than no line at all.

Betsy Boodle said...

Jocelyn has a whole Bunch of very nice summer scarves for you to choose from. That's just one of the items she likes to collect. The others being shoes/boots, purses/bags. She and I are also a fan of the tattoo idea!

Di said...


Cory said...

One step down, Suzanne! I'm glad it's done - I've had ports on both sides, both threaded through a vein in my neck, and having it really did make chemo and all of the other blood draws, etc. much easier. I'm hoping you'll have the same experience. You are now prepared and ready to go for treatment. Just that little bit about having the actual treatment plan determined and laid out for you, right?