Friday, March 9, 2012

Ky Ky

Aren't we classy? That is my middle child, Kyan (aka Ky Ky) and I this evening when he decided that sleep was for the weak. I think he has known since the moment he was born that he was going to be a middle child and has strove to avoid middle child syndrome. I know he is only 2, but the kid knows how to work his audience.

Today was a rare day where I was home most of the day with Ky and Crosby while Rory was away at school and then with a friend. While Ky still did not have my full attention, it is great to be able to spend more one-on-one time with him than I can on a normal day. Even though Ky asked about three billion times "Where's Rory?" I can also see how happy he is to have mommy mostly to himself. I can just sense the wheels turning: "How many hours can I get her to push around Matchbox cars with me?"

Kyan's other love (Matchbox cars being first) is reading. And somehow, through all this reading, he got kind of clever. He knows all his letters and his single digit numbers. Well, except for the letter O and the number zero. Those get flipped. But zero is a weird number, so I am going to let that slide until he is 3. Then, game on.

But then, just when I am thinking "this kid, he is bright," he proceeds to eat a piece of chalk while doing a funny little shuffle walk and lifting his shirt up over his face so his belly shows and he can't see where he is going.

Ky, in his amazing 2 year old way, has taught me to go "all in," and to try anything and everything I can. I am pretty much behind that, except when it comes to the chalk (and paint, and rocks, and Lego wheels, and...I could go on and on).


KelliGirl said...

This picture made my day - it's awesome. Ky is talented at silly faces, and he sure does know how to work an audience. My dad STILL talks about him from B's birthday September!
This post just made me smile inside and out.....thanks for that. And thanks for not eating the chalk, too. ;) (Hi, Ky! Love you, buddy!)

crichichi said...

Hey, you never know - Ky may be on to something with that chalk!!!

Meg said...

Lego wheels are a good source of fiber.

Beth said...

What a sweetie - sounds like a healthy and very normal little boy!

EmilyOrange said...

Actually chalk is completely edible I think. It not only settles the stomach but it is good for your calcium intake. As long as it doesn't ave too many chemicals in it you should be good. I would play with the cars and read the books instead of eating them, but all seem to be good habits.